Friday, June 8, 2012

Internet and Media

The Internet has created many new media outlets, and these new outlets are convenient for consumers to access. Newspapers are an old source of media. They are currently on the downfall because of the Internet. We can read all the news we need online. It's more convenient because anyone can read it from anywhere, anytime without going to a store and paying for the paper.

I use new media distributors such as YouTube, Pandora, and Netflix. They're so easy to use can be used on almost any device that has a source of Internet. They can viewed and listened to not only on the computer, but today we have smart phones that can almost do anything. YouTube and Pandora is free to everyone. YouTube is great for people who like to upload videos and share it with the world. I use it to see whats viral, for news, and for product reviews. I use Pandora on my iPhone when I get sick of the songs I listen to. You just need to need to input a genre or an artist and it generates a songlist for you. Netflix is great for people who don't have Cable TV. I dropped my Cable TV a few years ago because it is just me and my parents in the house. We don't watch that much TV. Netflix has a lot of TV Shows and Movies you can watch. Payments of $7.99 each month gives you unlimited access to their services.

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