Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Football Season is back

It is now the second week of the NFL preseason. It feels like it has been a long time since the last season. Even though the regular season doesn't start until the beginning of September, there is already a lot of anticipation for the new season. With last years Superbowl disappointment, the Patriots look like they're ready for this year. With the first preseason game, their defense looks a lot better than last years.

I'm doing two fantasy football leagues again this year. Last year I won one of them, hopefully I can do the same this year. It's a lot of fun competing against your friends to see who has a better team and to see who has been paying attention to their players.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sports on the Internet

With the great bandwidth we have today, we can now enjoy most TV shows on the internet. If you miss a show you enjoy, you can just go to the broadcasting's website and it is most likely you can stream from their website with a few commercials. What is even greater is streaming live videos. You can stream ESPN live depending on the TV service you have. I have Comcast and I can stream ESPN3 for free on my computer or on a smartphone. NBC has been advertising the availability of the Olympics online. You can view all of the events live or replay events if you missed it.

With this trend of streaming shows online, I can't wait to see what is next for online streaming. Will more broadcasters be willing to stream live TV shows on the internet in the future? I hope so because not everyone is available to be at home and enjoy their shows, it'll be great to view them on the go.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Interactive Website for kids

When I was a kid and was beginning to learn to use a computer (this was when there was only MS-DOS) there were games for kids to learn. I think we need more of those instead of kids going online and playing senseless games. I remember there was a Mario Learning to Type game. I was hooked because it was Mario, a character I knew and it made me want to learn. We just need a well-known character that kids would know today and put them into a game that would teach them to read, type or to do simple math. Kids would be addicted to see their superhero and at the same time, they will learn a lot.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

The last movie to the trilogy of the Batman series has been released this past Friday. I was able to get my hands on an IMAX movie ticket on the release day. IMAX has the greatest experience when going to the movie theatre.

The movie was great, it was the best of the trilogy. Through the entire movie, it was unpredictable. Most movies, you would watch it and you can guess what going to happen next, this movie was the total opposite. There were ongoing problems in the city of Gotham. You were in suspense to see what was going to happen next. The acting, the sounds and the directing was perfect. You couldn't ask for a better movie.

I'm sad that this is the last movie of the series. Director Christopher Nolan decided not to do another Batman movie. Without his expertise, another Batman movie wouldn't be the same. There may be a chance that he can be a co-producer if there was another sequel. He is the co-producer of another DC Comics film, Man of Steel, which will be released in summer of 2013. It is a reboot to the Superman series, this may be as great as the Batman series.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Great Web Application

I think it would be very useful if there was a simple web application similar to iMovie. iMovie for Mac makes it very simple to edit videos. With devices that can record 1080p videos, everyone would want to edit videos. There are millions of bloggers and YouTube users who would appreciate a simple video editing site.

A web application can be a great advantage because all of the video that you can editing can be saved on the Cloud and can be accessed on any computer. All you need to do upload the videos and your account will have a collection of videos that you plan on changing. When you are ready, the web application can be directly link you videos to YouTube with a click of a button.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

An Era of Smartphones

I have a contract with AT&T, as most of you know after a 2 year contract we have the option to upgrade our phones and extend the contract. My parents uses a phone for basic use, they just need to make calls. I was browsing for a new phone for them, but they showed were old cheap flip phones. The decent phones required a data plan. After a few hours of discussing with my parents, we got frustrated with the amount of phones that were available. We decided to just get a smartphone with a data plan along with it. Both of my parents now have an iPhone that they barely know how to use, so the phone isn't being used to it's potential.

After purchasing these, I then realized, is this a new era of smartphones? What I mean is, everyone might as well get a smartphone in order to have a decent phone because of a data plan requirement. If you're in a group of friends and you have a basic phone, it is bizzarre because it isn't the "cool thing." I just don't think its fair to force customers to have a data plan when they can have an option to just use the wifi around them.

A Possible Interactive Vacation Generator

I'm not sure if this is available yet but I think it would be a cool idea if there was an interactive website that would help give families options and advice where to take vacations.

For example: I have family all over the northeast, from Philly to Jersey to Toronto. We would enter in our locations and interests, then it would generate a list of vacation spots that complimented the locations and interests.

I think this would be helpful for me because a bunch of my friends are very indecisive and we've always wanted to go somewhere for a vacation, but we haven't decided where yet. I'm not sure if this was done yet, but it kind of reminds of Pandora and how their stations work. It'll be the Pandora for vacations.