Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sports on the Internet

With the great bandwidth we have today, we can now enjoy most TV shows on the internet. If you miss a show you enjoy, you can just go to the broadcasting's website and it is most likely you can stream from their website with a few commercials. What is even greater is streaming live videos. You can stream ESPN live depending on the TV service you have. I have Comcast and I can stream ESPN3 for free on my computer or on a smartphone. NBC has been advertising the availability of the Olympics online. You can view all of the events live or replay events if you missed it.

With this trend of streaming shows online, I can't wait to see what is next for online streaming. Will more broadcasters be willing to stream live TV shows on the internet in the future? I hope so because not everyone is available to be at home and enjoy their shows, it'll be great to view them on the go.

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